How to say YES
The Catholic Foundation offers many ways to support the Catholic causes you care most about. No matter the amount of gift you make, we have a giving option available to best support your passion within our Catholic Faith. Our knowledge and experience allow us to work with you to construct a planned gift that best meets your needs now and in the future.
Types of Funds

Endowment Fund
Provides an annual source of income to a Catholic organization of your choice. This fund is designed to function in perpetuity, making it possible for you to ensure long-term support.

Donor Advised Fund
From one efficient account, you have the opportunity to contribute to multiple Catholic organizations.

Charitable Gift Annuity
You receive fixed payments throughout your life, and at death leave a gift to support the charity of your choice.

Charitable Trust
You receive fixed payments for a term of years, with the remainder of funds going to your selected charity, or make fixed payments to a charity, with the remainder of funds returning to you or an heir.

Create a fund to provide educational assistance to deserving students.

Honor & Memorial Gifts
Celebrate and Remember Loved Ones
Ways to Give

Donate any amount by mail. We also accept wire transfers and ACH payments.

Credit Cards
We accept all major credit cards over the phone, with an option for recurring payments.

Real Estate and Marketable Securities
Transfer real estate securities, and after liquidation, we will deposit the assets into the fund of your choice.

Insurance Policies
Designate a fund of your choice as the beneficiary and specify the name of the fund.

Life Estate
Make a gift of your home while retaining the full use and rights to the property during your lifetime.

Charitable IRA Rollover
Roll over all or a portion of your IRA’s required minimum distribution tax free to an endowment of your choice.

Designate a fund as a beneficiary in your will, trust, or policies.